Module scrilla.util.outputter
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import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from scrilla.static import constants, formats, definitions
def space(n: int):
def title_line(title: str, line_length: int = formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH'], separator: str = formats.formats['separator'],
display: bool = True):
buff = int((line_length - len(title))/2)
result = separator*buff + title + separator*buff
if display:
return result
def separator_line(line_length=formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH'], separator=formats.formats['separator'], display=True) -> str:
if display:
return separator*line_length
def break_lines(msg: str, line_length: int = formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH']) -> List[str]:
Generates a list of strings where each string is less than or equal to a specified line length. All elements in the array will be equal length except the last element; in other words, the inputted string will be read into an array, line by line, until there is nothing left to be read.
1. ``msg``: ``str``
String to be broken into an array with each string no longer than `line_length`.
2. **line_length**: ``int``
*Optional*. Defaults to the value set by `static.formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH]`. The maximum length of a line.
A list of `line`'s with `len(line)<line_length or len(line)==line_length`.
if len(msg) > line_length:
return [msg[i:i+line_length] for i in range(0, len(msg), line_length)]
return [msg]
def center(this_line: str, line_length: int = formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH'], display: bool = True) -> str:
Centers an inputted line relative to the line length.
1. **this_line**: ``str``
the string to centered.
2. **line_length**: ``int``
*Optional*. Defaults to the value set by `static.formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH]`. The length of the line that is being centered over.
3. **display**: ``bool``
*Optional*. Defaults to `True`. If set to `True`, function will print result to screen. If set to `False`, the function will return the value as a string.
The line with the difference between `line_length` and `this_line` distributed evenly on either side of the content as white space.
1. **ValueError**
If the inputted line is larged than the line length, this error will be thrown.
if len(this_line) > line_length:
raise ValueError(
'Line to be centered is larger than length being centered over.')
buff = int((line_length - len(this_line))/2)
output = ' '*buff + this_line + ' '*buff
if display:
return output
def print_list(list_to_print, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
for i, item in enumerate(list_to_print):
print(' '*indent, f'{i}. {item}')
def string_result(operation, result, indent=formats.formats['INDENT'], display=True):
output = ' '*indent + operation + ' = ' + result
if display:
return output
def scalar_result(calculation, result, currency=True, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
if currency:
print(' '*indent, calculation, ' = $', round(float(result), 2))
print(' '*indent, calculation, ' = ', round(float(result), 4))
def percent_result(calculation, result, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
print(' '*indent, calculation, ' = ', round(float(result), 4), '%')
def equivalent_result(right_hand, left_hand, value, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
print(' '*indent, f'{right_hand} = {left_hand} = {value}')
def help_msg(indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
func_dict, arg_dict = definitions.FUNC_DICT, definitions.ARG_DICT
for paragraph in definitions.HELP_MSG:
for line in break_lines(paragraph):
for func_name in func_dict:
for line in break_lines(func_dict[func_name]['description']):
commands = func_dict[func_name]['values']
print(' ', f'COMMAND: {commands[0]}, {commands[1]}')
if func_dict[func_name]['args'] is not None:
for arg_name in func_dict[func_name]['args']:
aliases = arg_dict[arg_name]['values']
' '*indent, f'OPTION: {aliases[0]}, {aliases[1]}, {aliases[2]}, {aliases[3]}')
if arg_dict[arg_name]['required']:
print(' '*2*indent, 'REQUIRED')
print(' '*2*indent, f'NAME: {arg_dict[arg_name]["name"]}')
if arg_dict[arg_name]['default'] is not None:
print(' '*2*indent,
f'DEFAULT: {arg_dict[arg_name]["default"]}')
if arg_dict[arg_name]['syntax'] is not None:
print(' '*2*indent,
f'FORMAT: {arg_dict[arg_name]["syntax"]}')
def portfolio_percent_result(result, tickers, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
for i, item in enumerate(tickers):
print(' '*indent, f'{item} =', round(100*result[i], 2), '%')
def portfolio_shares_result(result, tickers, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']):
for i, item in enumerate(tickers):
print(' '*indent, f'{item} =', result[i])
def spot_price(ticker, this_spot_price):
formatted_price = round(float(this_spot_price), 2)
scalar_result(f'{ticker} spot price', formatted_price)
def model_price(ticker: str, this_model_price: Union[str, float], model: str) -> None:
formatted_price = round(float(this_model_price), 2)
scalar_result(f'{ticker} {str(model).upper()} price', formatted_price)
def risk_profile(profiles: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) -> None:
for key, value in profiles.items():
title_line(f'{key} Risk Profile')
for subkey, subvalue in value.items():
scalar_result(f'{subkey}', f'{subvalue}', currency=False)
def moving_average_result(ticker: str, averages: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) -> None:
Prints the results of `scrilla.analysis.models.geometric.statistics.calculate_moving_averages` or `scrilla.analysis.models.reversion.statistics.calculate_moving_averages` to *stdout*.
1. **averages**: ``Dict[str, Dict[str,float]]``
The dictionary returned from a call to `scrilla.analysis.models.geometric.statistics.calculate_moving_averages` or `scrilla.analysis.models.reversion.statistics.calculate_moving_averages`.
title_line(f'{ticker} Moving Averages')
for this_date, average_dict in averages.items():
for avg_key, average in average_dict.items():
scalar_result(calculation=avg_key, result=average, currency=False)
def screen_results(info, model):
for ticker in info:
title_line(f'{ticker} {str(model).upper()} Model vs. Spot Price ')
spot_price(ticker=ticker, this_spot_price=info[ticker]['spot_price'])
this_model_price=info[ticker]['model_price'], model=model)
scalar_result(f'{ticker} discount', info[ticker]['discount'])
# TODO: can probably combine optimal_result and efficient_frontier into a single function
# by wrapping the optimal_results in an array so when it iterates through frontier
# in efficient_frontier, it will only pick up the single allocation array for the
# optimal result.
def optimal_result(portfolio, allocation, investment=None, latest_prices=None):
title_line('Optimal Percentage Allocation')
portfolio_percent_result(allocation, portfolio.tickers)
if investment is not None:
shares = portfolio.calculate_approximate_shares(
allocation, investment, latest_prices)
total = portfolio.calculate_actual_total(
allocation, investment, latest_prices)
title_line('Optimal Share Allocation')
portfolio_shares_result(shares, portfolio.tickers)
title_line('Optimal Portfolio Value')
scalar_result('Total', round(total, 2))
title_line('Risk-Return Profile')
scalar_result(calculation='Return', result=portfolio.return_function(
allocation), currency=False)
scalar_result(calculation='Volatility', result=portfolio.volatility_function(
allocation), currency=False)
def efficient_frontier(portfolio, frontier, investment=None, latest_prices=None):
title_line('(Annual Return %, Annual Volatility %) Portfolio')
# TODO: edit title to include dates
for allocation in frontier:
return_string = str(
round(round(portfolio.return_function(allocation), 4)*100, 2))
vol_string = str(
round(round(portfolio.volatility_function(allocation), 4)*100, 2))
title_line(f'({return_string} %, {vol_string}%) Portfolio')
title_line('Optimal Percentage Allocation')
portfolio_percent_result(allocation, portfolio.tickers)
if investment is not None:
shares = portfolio.calculate_approximate_shares(
allocation, investment, latest_prices)
total = portfolio.calculate_actual_total(
allocation, investment, latest_prices)
title_line('Optimal Share Allocation')
portfolio_shares_result(shares, portfolio.tickers)
title_line('Optimal Portfolio Value')
scalar_result('Total', round(total, 2))
title_line('Risk-Return Profile')
scalar_result('Return', portfolio.return_function(
allocation), currency=False)
scalar_result('Volatility', portfolio.volatility_function(
allocation), currency=False)
def correlation_matrix(tickers: List[str], correl_matrix: List[List[float]], display: bool = True):
1. **tickers**: ``list``
Array of tickers for which the correlation matrix was calculated and formatted.
2. **indent**: ``int``
Amount of indent on each new line of the correlation matrix.
3. **start_date**: ````
Start date of the time period over which correlation was calculated.
4. **end_date**: ````
End date of the time period over which correlation was calculated.
A correlation matrix string formatted with new lines and spaces.
entire_formatted_result, formatted_subtitle, formatted_title = "", "", ""
line_length, first_symbol_length = 0, 0
new_line = ""
no_symbols = len(tickers)
for i in range(no_symbols):
this_symbol = tickers[i]
symbol_string = ' '*formats.formats['INDENT'] + f'{this_symbol} '
if i != 0:
this_line = symbol_string + ' ' * \
(line_length - len(symbol_string) - 7*(no_symbols - i))
# NOTE: seven is number of chars in ' 100.0%'
this_line = symbol_string
first_symbol_length = len(this_symbol)
new_line = this_line
for j in range(i, no_symbols):
if j == i:
new_line += " 100.0%"
result = correl_matrix[i][j]
formatted_result = str(
new_line += f' {formatted_result}%'
entire_formatted_result += new_line + '\n'
if i == 0:
line_length = len(new_line)
formatted_subtitle += ' ' * \
(formats.formats['INDENT'] + first_symbol_length+1)
for i, ticker in enumerate(tickers):
sym_len = len(ticker)
formatted_subtitle += f' {ticker}' + ' '*(7-sym_len)
# NOTE: seven is number of chars in ' 100.0%'
if i == 0:
formatted_title += f'({ticker},'
elif i < len(tickers)-1:
formatted_title += f'{ticker},'
formatted_title += f'{ticker}) correlation matrix'
formatted_subtitle += '\n'
whole_thing = formatted_subtitle + entire_formatted_result
if display:
return whole_thing
class Logger():
def __init__(self, location, log_level="info"):
self.location = location
self.log_level = log_level
def comment(self, msg):
now =
dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
print(dt_string, ' :', self.location, ' : ', msg)
def info(self, msg):
if self.log_level in [constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['INFO'],
def debug(self, msg):
if self.log_level in [constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['DEBUG'],
def verbose(self, msg):
if self.log_level == constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']:
def break_lines(msg: str, line_length: int = 100) ‑> List[str]
Generates a list of strings where each string is less than or equal to a specified line length. All elements in the array will be equal length except the last element; in other words, the inputted string will be read into an array, line by line, until there is nothing left to be read.
String to be broken into an array with each string no longer thanline_length
.- line_length:
Optional. Defaults to the value set bystatic.formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH]
. The maximum length of a line.
A list ofline
's withlen(line)<line_length or len(line)==line_length
.Expand source code
def break_lines(msg: str, line_length: int = formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH']) -> List[str]: """ Generates a list of strings where each string is less than or equal to a specified line length. All elements in the array will be equal length except the last element; in other words, the inputted string will be read into an array, line by line, until there is nothing left to be read. Parameters ---------- 1. ``msg``: ``str`` String to be broken into an array with each string no longer than `line_length`. 2. **line_length**: ``int`` *Optional*. Defaults to the value set by `static.formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH]`. The maximum length of a line. Returns ------- `list[str]` A list of `line`'s with `len(line)<line_length or len(line)==line_length`. """ if len(msg) > line_length: return [msg[i:i+line_length] for i in range(0, len(msg), line_length)] return [msg]
def center(this_line: str, line_length: int = 100, display: bool = True) ‑> str
Centers an inputted line relative to the line length.
- this_line:
the string to centered. - line_length:
Optional. Defaults to the value set bystatic.formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH]
. The length of the line that is being centered over. - display:
Optional. Defaults toTrue
. If set toTrue
, function will print result to screen. If set toFalse
, the function will return the value as a string.
The line with the difference betweenline_length
distributed evenly on either side of the content as white space.Raises
- ValueError If the inputted line is larged than the line length, this error will be thrown.
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def center(this_line: str, line_length: int = formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH'], display: bool = True) -> str: """ Centers an inputted line relative to the line length. Parameters ---------- 1. **this_line**: ``str`` the string to centered. 2. **line_length**: ``int`` *Optional*. Defaults to the value set by `static.formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH]`. The length of the line that is being centered over. 3. **display**: ``bool`` *Optional*. Defaults to `True`. If set to `True`, function will print result to screen. If set to `False`, the function will return the value as a string. Returns ------- `str` The line with the difference between `line_length` and `this_line` distributed evenly on either side of the content as white space. Raises ------ 1. **ValueError** If the inputted line is larged than the line length, this error will be thrown. """ if len(this_line) > line_length: raise ValueError( 'Line to be centered is larger than length being centered over.') buff = int((line_length - len(this_line))/2) output = ' '*buff + this_line + ' '*buff if display: print(output) return return output
- this_line:
def correlation_matrix(tickers: List[str], correl_matrix: List[List[float]], display: bool = True)
- tickers:
Array of tickers for which the correlation matrix was calculated and formatted. - indent:
Amount of indent on each new line of the correlation matrix. - start_date:
Start date of the time period over which correlation was calculated. - end_date:
End date of the time period over which correlation was calculated.
A correlation matrix string formatted with new lines and spaces.
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def correlation_matrix(tickers: List[str], correl_matrix: List[List[float]], display: bool = True): """ Parameters ---------- 1. **tickers**: ``list`` Array of tickers for which the correlation matrix was calculated and formatted. 2. **indent**: ``int`` Amount of indent on each new line of the correlation matrix. 3. **start_date**: ```` Start date of the time period over which correlation was calculated. 4. **end_date**: ```` End date of the time period over which correlation was calculated. Returns ------ A correlation matrix string formatted with new lines and spaces. """ entire_formatted_result, formatted_subtitle, formatted_title = "", "", "" line_length, first_symbol_length = 0, 0 new_line = "" no_symbols = len(tickers) for i in range(no_symbols): this_symbol = tickers[i] symbol_string = ' '*formats.formats['INDENT'] + f'{this_symbol} ' if i != 0: this_line = symbol_string + ' ' * \ (line_length - len(symbol_string) - 7*(no_symbols - i)) # NOTE: seven is number of chars in ' 100.0%' else: this_line = symbol_string first_symbol_length = len(this_symbol) new_line = this_line for j in range(i, no_symbols): if j == i: new_line += " 100.0%" else: result = correl_matrix[i][j] formatted_result = str( 100*result)[:constants.constants['SIG_FIGS']] new_line += f' {formatted_result}%' entire_formatted_result += new_line + '\n' if i == 0: line_length = len(new_line) formatted_subtitle += ' ' * \ (formats.formats['INDENT'] + first_symbol_length+1) for i, ticker in enumerate(tickers): sym_len = len(ticker) formatted_subtitle += f' {ticker}' + ' '*(7-sym_len) # NOTE: seven is number of chars in ' 100.0%' if i == 0: formatted_title += f'({ticker},' elif i < len(tickers)-1: formatted_title += f'{ticker},' else: formatted_title += f'{ticker}) correlation matrix' formatted_subtitle += '\n' whole_thing = formatted_subtitle + entire_formatted_result if display: title_line(formatted_title) print(f'\n{whole_thing}') return return whole_thing
- tickers:
def efficient_frontier(portfolio, frontier, investment=None, latest_prices=None)
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def efficient_frontier(portfolio, frontier, investment=None, latest_prices=None): title_line('(Annual Return %, Annual Volatility %) Portfolio') # TODO: edit title to include dates for allocation in frontier: separator_line() return_string = str( round(round(portfolio.return_function(allocation), 4)*100, 2)) vol_string = str( round(round(portfolio.volatility_function(allocation), 4)*100, 2)) title_line(f'({return_string} %, {vol_string}%) Portfolio') separator_line() title_line('Optimal Percentage Allocation') portfolio_percent_result(allocation, portfolio.tickers) if investment is not None: shares = portfolio.calculate_approximate_shares( allocation, investment, latest_prices) total = portfolio.calculate_actual_total( allocation, investment, latest_prices) title_line('Optimal Share Allocation') portfolio_shares_result(shares, portfolio.tickers) title_line('Optimal Portfolio Value') scalar_result('Total', round(total, 2)) title_line('Risk-Return Profile') scalar_result('Return', portfolio.return_function( allocation), currency=False) scalar_result('Volatility', portfolio.volatility_function( allocation), currency=False) print('\n')
def equivalent_result(right_hand, left_hand, value, indent=10)
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def equivalent_result(right_hand, left_hand, value, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): print(' '*indent, f'{right_hand} = {left_hand} = {value}')
def help_msg(indent=10)
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def help_msg(indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): func_dict, arg_dict = definitions.FUNC_DICT, definitions.ARG_DICT title_line('scrilla') space(1) for paragraph in definitions.HELP_MSG: for line in break_lines(paragraph): center(line) space(1) title_line('SYNTAX') center(definitions.SYNTAX) space(1) for func_name in func_dict: title_line(func_dict[func_name]['name']) for line in break_lines(func_dict[func_name]['description']): center(line) separator_line() commands = func_dict[func_name]['values'] print(' ', f'COMMAND: {commands[0]}, {commands[1]}') if func_dict[func_name]['args'] is not None: for arg_name in func_dict[func_name]['args']: aliases = arg_dict[arg_name]['values'] print( ' '*indent, f'OPTION: {aliases[0]}, {aliases[1]}, {aliases[2]}, {aliases[3]}') if arg_dict[arg_name]['required']: print(' '*2*indent, 'REQUIRED') print(' '*2*indent, f'NAME: {arg_dict[arg_name]["name"]}') if arg_dict[arg_name]['default'] is not None: print(' '*2*indent, f'DEFAULT: {arg_dict[arg_name]["default"]}') if arg_dict[arg_name]['syntax'] is not None: print(' '*2*indent, f'FORMAT: {arg_dict[arg_name]["syntax"]}') separator_line()
def model_price(ticker: str, this_model_price: Union[str, float], model: str) ‑> None
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def model_price(ticker: str, this_model_price: Union[str, float], model: str) -> None: formatted_price = round(float(this_model_price), 2) scalar_result(f'{ticker} {str(model).upper()} price', formatted_price)
def moving_average_result(ticker: str, averages: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) ‑> None
Prints the results of
to stdout.Parameters
- averages:
Dict[str, Dict[str,float]]
The dictionary returned from a call tocalculate_moving_averages()
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def moving_average_result(ticker: str, averages: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) -> None: """ Prints the results of `scrilla.analysis.models.geometric.statistics.calculate_moving_averages` or `scrilla.analysis.models.reversion.statistics.calculate_moving_averages` to *stdout*. Parameters ---------- 1. **averages**: ``Dict[str, Dict[str,float]]`` The dictionary returned from a call to `scrilla.analysis.models.geometric.statistics.calculate_moving_averages` or `scrilla.analysis.models.reversion.statistics.calculate_moving_averages`. """ title_line(f'{ticker} Moving Averages') for this_date, average_dict in averages.items(): center(this_date) for avg_key, average in average_dict.items(): scalar_result(calculation=avg_key, result=average, currency=False)
- averages:
def optimal_result(portfolio, allocation, investment=None, latest_prices=None)
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def optimal_result(portfolio, allocation, investment=None, latest_prices=None): title_line('Optimal Percentage Allocation') portfolio_percent_result(allocation, portfolio.tickers) if investment is not None: shares = portfolio.calculate_approximate_shares( allocation, investment, latest_prices) total = portfolio.calculate_actual_total( allocation, investment, latest_prices) title_line('Optimal Share Allocation') portfolio_shares_result(shares, portfolio.tickers) title_line('Optimal Portfolio Value') scalar_result('Total', round(total, 2)) title_line('Risk-Return Profile') scalar_result(calculation='Return', result=portfolio.return_function( allocation), currency=False) scalar_result(calculation='Volatility', result=portfolio.volatility_function( allocation), currency=False)
def percent_result(calculation, result, indent=10)
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def percent_result(calculation, result, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): print(' '*indent, calculation, ' = ', round(float(result), 4), '%')
def portfolio_percent_result(result, tickers, indent=10)
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def portfolio_percent_result(result, tickers, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): for i, item in enumerate(tickers): print(' '*indent, f'{item} =', round(100*result[i], 2), '%')
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def portfolio_shares_result(result, tickers, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): for i, item in enumerate(tickers): print(' '*indent, f'{item} =', result[i])
def print_list(list_to_print, indent=10)
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def print_list(list_to_print, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): for i, item in enumerate(list_to_print): print(' '*indent, f'{i}. {item}')
def risk_profile(profiles: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) ‑> None
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def risk_profile(profiles: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]]) -> None: for key, value in profiles.items(): title_line(f'{key} Risk Profile') for subkey, subvalue in value.items(): scalar_result(f'{subkey}', f'{subvalue}', currency=False)
def scalar_result(calculation, result, currency=True, indent=10)
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def scalar_result(calculation, result, currency=True, indent=formats.formats['INDENT']): if currency: print(' '*indent, calculation, ' = $', round(float(result), 2)) else: print(' '*indent, calculation, ' = ', round(float(result), 4))
def screen_results(info, model)
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def screen_results(info, model): for ticker in info: title_line(f'{ticker} {str(model).upper()} Model vs. Spot Price ') spot_price(ticker=ticker, this_spot_price=info[ticker]['spot_price']) model_price(ticker=ticker, this_model_price=info[ticker]['model_price'], model=model) scalar_result(f'{ticker} discount', info[ticker]['discount']) separator_line()
def separator_line(line_length=100, separator='-', display=True) ‑> str
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def separator_line(line_length=formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH'], separator=formats.formats['separator'], display=True) -> str: if display: print(separator*line_length) return separator*line_length
def space(n: int)
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def space(n: int): print('\n'*n)
def spot_price(ticker, this_spot_price)
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def spot_price(ticker, this_spot_price): formatted_price = round(float(this_spot_price), 2) scalar_result(f'{ticker} spot price', formatted_price)
def string_result(operation, result, indent=10, display=True)
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def string_result(operation, result, indent=formats.formats['INDENT'], display=True): output = ' '*indent + operation + ' = ' + result if display: print(output) return return output
def title_line(title: str, line_length: int = 100, separator: str = '-', display: bool = True)
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def title_line(title: str, line_length: int = formats.formats['LINE_LENGTH'], separator: str = formats.formats['separator'], display: bool = True): buff = int((line_length - len(title))/2) result = separator*buff + title + separator*buff if display: print(result) return result
class Logger (location, log_level='info')
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class Logger(): def __init__(self, location, log_level="info"): self.location = location self.log_level = log_level # LOGGING FUNCTIONS def comment(self, msg): now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print(dt_string, ' :', self.location, ' : ', msg) def info(self, msg): if self.log_level in [constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['INFO'], constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['DEBUG'], constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']]: self.comment(msg) def debug(self, msg): if self.log_level in [constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['DEBUG'], constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']]: self.comment(msg) def verbose(self, msg): if self.log_level == constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']: self.comment(msg)
def comment(self, msg)
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def comment(self, msg): now = dt_string = now.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") print(dt_string, ' :', self.location, ' : ', msg)
def debug(self, msg)
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def debug(self, msg): if self.log_level in [constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['DEBUG'], constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']]: self.comment(msg)
def info(self, msg)
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def info(self, msg): if self.log_level in [constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['INFO'], constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['DEBUG'], constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']]: self.comment(msg)
def verbose(self, msg)
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def verbose(self, msg): if self.log_level == constants.constants['LOG_LEVEL']['VERBOSE']: self.comment(msg)